So they say that in your first year of teaching young children, you will get sick a lot. That is not an exaggeration. In fact, they should make it sound even more dramatic so that you are fully prepared for what you will have to endure.
Since early February, I have not quite felt like my normal self. I started off with a one week cold. After that, I came down with a throat infection and some nasty side effects from the antibiotics, another cold, possibly bronchitis, and now what I am guessing is conjunctivitis
Anyway, I hate to post something negative, but I'm starting to feel upset. This is really taking away from my experience here. Don't get me wrong. So far I have packed a lot of wonderful things into my short time living here. I have seen beautiful sites, worked in a great school with fun kids, met amazing and helpful teachers, friends, etc.... but feeling sick ALL the time and just powering through every day is becoming a struggle.
Here's hoping my immune system will kick in soon. I read online that some teachers never get used to it and they are just sick their whole lives. I am going to assume that those people are exceptions to the rule.
On the bright side, I had a fantastic time when my parents visited last weekend, I am looking forward to an amazing spring break trip in a little over a week, and I am connecting a little more with the teachers at my school as I become more comfortable speaking Spanglish!
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