Wednesday, March 25, 2015

An Emotional Week in Spain

This week, we've had some bad news in Barcelona.  There was a plane crash.  The plane left Barcelona yesterday morning, and it was on its way to Dusseldorf.  Somewhere in southern France, it went down.  I still don't know the cause of the crash, but I feel very emotional about it.

Several of the people I know here had friends or co-workers who were on that plane.  It's quite a tragedy.  The people here have really been affected by it.

It's also a reminder to never stop living your life.  Spring break is next week and a lot of people now seem afraid to fly.  By no means am I the most relaxed person in the world, but I don't want to miss out an any opportunities because I am afraid.  I'm still planning on travelling and living life to the fullest.  It's also a reminder to always be there for people.  I see so much selfishness in this world, and it really disgusts me when there are so many people in need or in pain. We have to enjoy our own lives, of course, but personally I cannot enjoy my life if I see others suffering.  Even if you're just doing something small here and there, show your loved ones that you care about them.  Show them that every day.

In other news, I'll be travelling to France next week.  More on that later, but I am very excited.  Also, I am working hard in my Spanish class, and I think I am seeing some progress which is absolutely thrilling to me.  It's strange how I am slowly acquiring more and more vocabulary, and every day I understand more bits and pieces of the conversations I hear.  I still cannot express myself very well at all, but the fact that I'm definitely learning is really encouraging.

Ahora, buenas noches porque estoy cansada.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


So they say that in your first year of teaching young children, you will get sick a lot.  That is not an exaggeration.  In fact, they should make it sound even more dramatic so that you are fully prepared for what you will have to endure.

Since early February, I have not quite felt like my normal self.  I started off with a one week cold.  After that, I came down with a throat infection and some nasty side effects from the antibiotics, another cold, possibly bronchitis, and now what I am guessing is conjunctivitis

Anyway, I hate to post something negative, but I'm starting to feel upset.  This is really taking away from my experience here.  Don't get me wrong. So far I have packed a lot of wonderful things into my short time living here. I have seen beautiful sites, worked in a great school with fun kids, met amazing and helpful teachers, friends, etc.... but feeling sick ALL the time and just powering through every day is becoming a struggle.

Here's hoping my immune system will kick in soon.  I read online that some teachers never get used to it and they are just sick their whole lives.  I am going to assume that those people are exceptions to the rule.

On the bright side, I had a fantastic time when my parents visited last weekend, I am looking forward to an amazing spring break trip in a little over a week, and I am connecting a little more with the teachers at my school as I become more comfortable speaking Spanglish!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Advice and an update: my family came to visit!

I cannot believe how slammed I have been!

I haven't written sick I was sick in February.

Since then, I've:

*caught another cold
*seen the fountains at Placa Enspanya, and visited Park Guell (AMAZING AND MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE) and Sagrada Familia
*walked down Las Ramblas more than a few times
*gotten lost in the middle of the night in downtown Barcelona because the more I age, the more directionally challenged I become
*gone dancing at Boulevard Barcelona (free entry and a free drink plus an awesome night with other CAPS ladies)
*received a wonderful visit from my parents who flew all the way from Atlanta to see me
*been working HARD in my Spanish class and at school (lesson prep etc)

Now I am looking forward to Spring Break travels in a few weeks!
Hopefully I will be better about updating the blog.  I mostly write in here so I can remember this part of my life when I am old and forgetful.  Oh wait, I am already forgetful.

Do not tip in Europe!  Or at least in Spain!  It is so incredibly difficult not to because it's ingrained in my brain that I MUST do it, but really it is not expected here.  They will react with utter shock if you do so.  I mean you will make someone's day if you do tip so you can if you want, but it is not required.